Mā te tauira ako ka tohua mai he māramatanga
Through the pattern of symbols we see;
Through the pattern of learning we understand
Grounded thoughts colour our world
Adorning the land embellishing identity
Through Nature's voice, we generate understanding
Faces of the Past, Faces of the Future
Pae Ātea is a public gallery of considered design and whakaaro, led by Haumi and platformed nationwide on JCDecaux digital billboards across our urban landscape.
Pae Ātea translates as ‘open horizon’. The name symbolises the creative freedom to express issues of identity and to celebrate connectivity – to one another, to a sense of place, and to our shared histories.
Pae Ātea is a curated programme of ideas, thoughts, and creative excellence, carefully considered to engage, challenge, and build a strengthened sense of individual and collective identity. Pae Ātea encourages a moment of pause and contemplation, encountered through pūrākau (iwi narratives), social histories, creative expression, and commentary.
We are all bound by the environment we share, including the stories embedded in the land. Pae Ātea is an invitation for all of Aotearoa to reconsider our connections to people and place, as a community of humans sharing a remote series of islands in the South Pacific.
He toi haurewa a Pae Ātea, kua āta wānangahia tōna auahatanga. Ko Haumi te kaiārahi, nā JCDecaux ēnei mahi i matawhānui ki ngā papa whakaataata puta noa i ngā taone nui.
Ko Pae Ātea te ingoa mō ‘open horizon’. E tohu ana te ingoa nei i ngā tukanga auaha herekore e kaha puta i ngā tai tuakiri a te tangata, ka whakanui hoki ēnei hononga – tētahi ki tētahi, he tūranga ū, me ngā kōrero tuku iho.
He pae whakaataata a Pae Ātea i te hōhonutanga, te koi me te auahatanga o te whakaaro kia āta kuhu, kia whakamātauria, me te whakaū tonu ki te tuakiritanga o te hunga katoa. He wā whakatau a Pae Ātea mō te whakaaro, kia whai wāhi mai ki ngā pūrākau ngā hitoria ā iwi, ngā puakitanga me ngā tuku kōrero.
E whakakotahi nei tātau e te taiao, nāna anō tātau i piri ai me ōna rau kōrerorero te whārikihia nei. He karanga tūhonohono a Pae Ātea ki a Aotearoa whānui tonu, kia pū kotahi tātau, tātau e noho hapori nei ki runga i ēnei whenua motuhake rawa o te tai whakararo.