Mata muri, mata mua

Faces of the past, faces of the future.

Ko te terenga Pae Ātea nei nā Damien Nikora o Ngāti Kahungunu, he mea whakarewa ake i te whakamārire me te matatū tonutanga o te hunga rangatahi. Ko Mata Muri, Mata Mua te ingoa. Hei tō ia whakaahua tōna anō pupū whakahirahira, e muramura ai te rongomaiwhiti, ā, ka tautoko mai a tūmanako i a mata-whānui i a mata-haehae anō hoki.

E whakaaturia ana te terenga whakaahua nei i aua wā hirahira rawa, ā, ka aro ki te ao mārire, me āna pūtahitanga hoki. He wairua tā ēnei whakaahua e tāngia ai te mata o te whakaaro, ā, e matakōkiritia ana ko te pae o mahara – ka matakanatia te pitomata e tautohea ake nei i te mata-arero he aha kē ia te tino hua.

He toa a Damien Nikora i roto rā i āna mahi whakaahua me āna mahi whakaataata, inarā hoki kua matawhānui rawa āna kaihāpaitanga, ngā whakaputanga-ao-kākahu me tahi, āna kaupapa matawhaiaro whakaahua, mahi pakipūmeka. Ko ngā wheako i a ia he mea ako i tāwāhi, ka mutu, e pūmau ai ki tāna i ako ai i Aotearoa tonu.  Ko tētahi mata-tahutahu nui a Damien, he rapua ara matatika, he ara mata-whānui, ā, he ara mata-kōkiri hoki. Mātāmua i tēnā, mōna, he mata-hāpai, he mata-hauariki i te oranga o te tāngata me tōna taiao.  

Ko Ruahine te maunga
Ko Manawatu te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Makirikiri te marae
Ko Aotea Tuarua te wharenui
Ko Ngātu Kahungungu te iwi
Ko Ngāti Pakapaka te hapū

This Pae Ātea series by Damien Nikora (Ngāti Kahungunu) speaks to the timelessness of our rangatahi. Titled, Mata Muri, Mata Mua (Faces of the Past, Faces of the Future), each image stimulates a deep sense of nostalgia, and projects an authenticity, reinforced by freedom and the ever-present and unparalleled sense of hope.

Damien’s series captures moments in time and portray an insight into a world of innocence and seamless connection. They transport us into a place of consideration and provoke personal reflection – to both reimagine our potential and question what really matters.

Damien Nikora is an accomplished photographer and videographer who is particularly known for his striking fashion editorial and commercial campaigns alongside his more intimate portraiture and documentary work. He has worked both nationally and internationally and draws on his diverse lived experience growing up in Aotearoa. A current passion of Damien’s is looking at new opportunities from an ethical and sustainable viewpoint. Ultimately, for him, this is about making a difference to people and the environment.

Ko Ruahine te maunga
Ko Manawatu te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Makirikiri te marae
Ko Aotea Tuarua te wharenui
Ko Ngātu Kahungungu te iwi
Ko Ngāti Pakapaka te hapū